Who we areTogether, we're on a mission to make good health more affordable and accessible, to help millions around the world enjoy healthier lives. It's a mission that bonds our people across nearly 60 countries and a rich, diverse variety of nationalities and backgrounds. Working here means working with the world's leading manufacturer of generic medicines, and the proud producer of many of the products on the World Health Organization's Essential Medicines List. Today, at least 200 million people around the world take one of our medicines every single day. An amazing number, but we're always looking for new ways to continue making a difference, and new people to make a difference with.The opportunityProvides a full range of legal advice and services, acting as a business partner across Teva India, with particular emphasis on handling a manifold of considerable day-to-day legal coverage to various Global Business shared services in India and plants in India.This role requires a technically excellent and pro-active lawyer to create opportunities for the business while embracing high integrity standards.How you\'ll spend your day
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