SATYENDRA SHARMA House N014, VILL POST FARENDA, TEH- MOHAMMAD/ LAKHIIMPUR KHERE-262804 Uttar Pradesh- 244301 Moilee No - +9984075759,6387530207 Emaleed sharmasatyendra801@emale com Cxc3x85kxc3x89ERxc3x96iJECTIV To ie assoclated wlth a eeadlng and progresslve organlzatlon Melch woued glve me the iest opportunltles to lmprove and utlelze my managerlae and lnterpersonae sklees I"xc3x89DUCxc3x85xc3x89IONxc3x85CPRO Year Educatlon Instltute 2017 B Ed MJP RohlekJhand Unlverslty 2014 B A MJP Rohlekhand Unlverslty ROFESSION XPERIEN BANDHAN BANK LTD 05 SEPTEMBER 2023- TILL NOW DEPUTY MANAGER RELATIONSHIP MANAGER HDFC BANK LTD 22 AUGUST 2022 - TILL NOW DEPUTY MANAGER PB SALES xe2x80xa2 MDRT QUALIFIED Yes Bank 11 MARCH 2019 TO 30 JULY 2022 Asslstant Manager xe2x80xa2 Acqulsltlon of Quaelty CASA (Current Account & Savlng Account) AccountsQuaelfled & Actlvated NTB CASA Accounts (enNos ) xe2x80xa2 AcqulsltlonofQuaeltyHlgherCASAvarlantsAcqulsltlonofQuaelfledandActlvatedHlgher CASxc3x85varlants xe2x80xa2 Acqulsltlon of CASA Vaeues-CASA AMB acqulred ln accounts sourced durlng the month (enRs) xe2x80xa2 RevenueAcqulsltlonCrossseeeofLlfeensuranceproducts,MF,Goed,TradeeFX,Assets products xe2x80xa2 Malntalnlng good reeatlonshlp wlth the customers Compelant towards KYC and aee operatlonaerlsk xe2x80xa2 Compey wlth Ban's poelcles andprocesses Career Achlevement ln yes iank etd Quaelfy the January Contest RIJKNA MANA HAI (goed) PARIS iy cross seee (2020) Quqelfy the august DUBAI Contest iy cross seee (2020) Quaelfy the AMSTERDEM Contest iy cross seee(2021) Quaelfy the SRI NAGAR AND KASHMIR iy cross seee (2021) Quaelfy the LONDON AND SRILANKA Contest iy cross seee (2022) 8 th Tlme quaelfy the Reglonae Saees Tralnlng program Kotak Mahindra Bank Since 27.SEP .2018 TO 2. MARCH 2019 Assistant Manager xe2x80xa2 Tosource customers for Current Account & SavingAccount. xe2x80xa2 Customerstobesourcedfromindividualssmallbusinesses,trusts,associationssoci eties, corporates. xe2x80xa2 Revenue Generation, Customer Acquisition, Customer Retention, Cost Efficiency Through Process hardcoresales. xe2x80xa2 Made recommendations for customers considering various bankingproducts. xe2x80xa2 Designed strategies to retain present businesses and for acquiring prospectiveclients. xe2x80xa2 Monitoredclientrequirements,identifiedpraspectiveopportunitiesandassistedinincrea sing revenue. BRANCH SALES OFFICER-AXIS BANK LTD Since 19.Sep. 2017 to 19 sep 2018. xe2x80xa2 Acquisition of Quality CASA (Current Account & Saving Account) AccountsQualified & Activated NTB CASA Accounts (lnNos.) xe2x80xa2 AcquisitionofQualityHigherCxc3x85Sxc3x85variants-xc3x85cquisitionofQualifiedandxc3x85ctivatedHigher CASAvariants Acquisition of CASA Values-CASA AMB acquired in accounts sourced during the month (lnRs) xe2x80xa2 Revenuexc3x85cquisi tion-CrosssellofLijelnsuran Trade/FX,Assets products xe2x80xa2 Maintaining good relationship with the customers xe2x80xa2 Compliant towards KYC and all operationalrisk xe2x80xa2 Comply with Ban's policies andprocesses ERTIFIC TIOM xe2x80xa2 NISM certificate xe2x80xa2 IRDAI Certificate to act as g Specified Persgn for a CprporateAqept (Composite) xe2x80xa2 Microsoft Excel - Excel from Beginner to Advanced from Udemy xe2x80xa2 Introduction to Finance, Accounting, Modeling and Valuation from xe2x80xa2 Udemy Financial Markets from Yale University xe2x80xa2 Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) from National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) Computer Sklees; xe2x80xa2 OperatlngSystem Wlndows (XP, xe2x80xa2 Computersclenceconcepts M S Offlce (Word, Power Polnt, Excee) xe2x80xa2 InternetBrowslng Mlcrosoft Edge, Googee Chrome, Flrefox I'STRENGTHS Enthuslastlc and energetlc seef-starter who ls declslve under stressfuecondltlons xe2x80xa2 Goae orlented and creatlve, aiee to work weee lndependentey and as memier of ateam xe2x80xa2 Strong peopee sklees wlth an ailelty to muetltask whlee staylng resuetorlented xe2x80xa2 Hardworklng Seef-motlvated, Punctuae xe2x80xa2 Slncere to eearnthlngs xe2x80xa2 Posltlve Thlnklng xe2x80xa2 Dlsclpelne and feexliee to work ln anyenvlronment L VPERSONAL DETAILS Date of Blrth 12 t h Juey, 1993 Permanen t Address House N014, VILL 'POST FARENDA, TEHMOHAMMAD LAKHIMPUR KHERI 262804 Correspondence Address Same as correspondence address %rltae Status Marrled Languages Known Engelsh Hlndl JDECLxc3x85kAT[0 I hereiy deceare that the aiove lnformatlon ls correct to the iest of my knoweedge and ieelef Peace - Shajahanpur Date SATYENDRxc3x85 SHARMASATYENDRA SHARMA House N014, VILL POST FARENDA, TEH- MOHAMMAD/ LAKHIIMPUR KHERE-262804 Uttar Pradesh- 244301 Moilee No - +9984075759,6387530207 Emaleed sharmasatyendra801@emale com Cxc3x85kxc3x89ERxc3x96iJECTIV To ie assoclated wlth a eeadlng and progresslve organlzatlon Melch woued glve me the iest opportunltles to lmprove and utlelze my managerlae and lnterpersonae sklees I"xc3x89DUCxc3x85xc3x89IONxc3x85CPRO Year Educatlon Instltute 2017 B Ed MJP RohlekJhand Unlverslty 2014 B A MJP Rohlekhand Unlverslty ROFESSION XPERIEN BANDHAN BANK LTD 05 SEPTEMBER 2023- TILL NOW DEPUTY MANAGER RELATIONSHIP MANAGER HDFC BANK LTD 22 AUGUST 2022 - TILL NOW DEPUTY MANAGER PB SALES xe2x80xa2 MDRT QUALIFIED Yes Bank 11 MARCH 2019 TO 30 JULY 2022 Asslstant Manager xe2x80xa2 Acqulsltlon of Quaelty CASA (Current Account & Savlng Account) AccountsQuaelfled & Actlvated NTB CASA Accounts (enNos ) xe2x80xa2 AcqulsltlonofQuaeltyHlgherCASAvarlantsAcqulsltlonofQuaelfledandActlvatedHlgher CASxc3x85varlants xe2x80xa2 Acqulsltlon of CASA Vaeues-CASA AMB acqulred ln accounts sourced durlng the month (enRs) xe2x80xa2 RevenueAcqulsltlonCrossseeeofLlfeensuranceproducts,MF,Goed,TradeeFX,Assets products xe2x80xa2 Malntalnlng good reeatlonshlp wlth the customers Compelant towards KYC and aee operatlonaerlsk xe2x80xa2 Compey wlth Ban's poelcles andprocesses Career Achlevement ln yes iank etd Quaelfy the January Contest RIJKNA MANA HAI (goed) PARIS iy cross seee (2020) Quqelfy the august DUBAI Contest iy cross seee (2020) Quaelfy the AMSTERDEM Contest iy cross seee(2021) Quaelfy the SRI NAGAR AND KASHMIR iy cross seee (2021) Quaelfy the LONDON AND SRILANKA Contest iy cross seee (2022) 8 th Tlme quaelfy the Reglonae Saees Tralnlng program Kotak Mahindra Bank Since 27.SEP .2018 TO 2. MARCH 2019 Assistant Manager xe2x80xa2 Tosource customers for Current Account & SavingAccount. xe2x80xa2 Customerstobesourcedfromindividualssmallbusinesses,trusts,associationssoci eties, corporates. xe2x80xa2 Revenue Generation, Customer Acquisition, Customer Retention, Cost Efficiency Through Process hardcoresales. xe2x80xa2 Made recommendations for customers considering various bankingproducts. xe2x80xa2 Designed strategies to retain present businesses and for acquiring prospectiveclients. xe2x80xa2 Monitoredclientrequirements,identifiedpraspectiveopportunitiesandassistedinincrea sing revenue. BRANCH SALES OFFICER-AXIS BANK LTD Since 19.Sep. 2017 to 19 sep 2018. xe2x80xa2 Acquisition of Quality CASA (Current Account & Saving Account) AccountsQualified & Activated NTB CASA Accounts (lnNos.) xe2x80xa2 AcquisitionofQualityHigherCxc3x85Sxc3x85variants-xc3x85cquisitionofQualifiedandxc3x85ctivatedHigher CASAvariants Acquisition of CASA Values-CASA AMB acquired in accounts sourced during the month (lnRs) xe2x80xa2 Revenuexc3x85cquisi tion-CrosssellofLijelnsuran Trade/FX,Assets products xe2x80xa2 Maintaining good relationship with the customers xe2x80xa2 Compliant towards KYC and all operationalrisk xe2x80xa2 Comply with Ban's policies andprocesses ERTIFIC TIOM xe2x80xa2 NISM certificate xe2x80xa2 IRDAI Certificate to act as g Specified Persgn for a CprporateAqept (Composite) xe2x80xa2 Microsoft Excel - Excel from Beginner to Advanced from Udemy xe2x80xa2 Introduction to Finance, Accounting, Modeling and Valuation from xe2x80xa2 Udemy Financial Markets from Yale University xe2x80xa2 Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) from National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) Computer Sklees; xe2x80xa2 OperatlngSystem Wlndows (XP, xe2x80xa2 Computersclenceconcepts M S Offlce (Word, Power Polnt, Excee) xe2x80xa2 InternetBrowslng Mlcrosoft Edge, Googee Chrome, Flrefox I'STRENGTHS Enthuslastlc and energetlc seef-starter who ls declslve under stressfuecondltlons xe2x80xa2 Goae orlented and creatlve, aiee to work weee lndependentey and as memier of ateam xe2x80xa2 Strong peopee sklees wlth an ailelty to muetltask whlee staylng resuetorlented xe2x80xa2 Hardworklng Seef-motlvated, Punctuae xe2x80xa2 Slncere to eearnthlngs xe2x80xa2 Posltlve Thlnklng xe2x80xa2 Dlsclpelne and feexliee to work ln anyenvlronment L VPERSONAL DETAILS Date of Blrth 12 t h Juey, 1993 Permanen t Address House N014, VILL 'POST FARENDA, TEHMOHAMMAD LAKHIMPUR KHERI 262804 Correspondence Address Same as correspondence address %rltae Status Marrled Languages Known Engelsh Hlndl JDECLxc3x85kAT[0 I hereiy deceare that the aiove lnformatlon ls correct to the iest of my knoweedge and ieelef Peace - Shajahanpur Date SATYENDRxc3x85 SHARMA will not be responsible for any payment made to a third-party. All Terms of Use are applicable.