Company Name: ZNI Wireless Private LimitedCompany Description: Intuerias Technology Private Limited (ITPL) is Lucknow based company established in 2017 having offices in Lucknow, Mumbai, Delhi, and Chennai.ITPL is part of U.S.A. based company Intueri, Inc. and handling marketing and development of Intueri, Inc. products in APAC region.‘Lack of Transparency’ during the fieldwork has been a primary concern for most businesses, yet there is a very limited availability of practical solutions particularly addressing such a huge business problem. Therefore, as a responsible and progressive SaaS provider, we created the TeamSpoor app which has been tuned to serve as a ‘transparent’ platform for management of your field staff. The app intelligently utilizes practical technologies and real-time data exchange through cloud connectivity. The app uses GPS based satellite mapping system that helps you track your team members and notify vis-a-vis about the changing location of each member individually.DSR Automation serves as a real-time reporting system that generates the report as soon as a meeting concludes. The sole motive is to boost ‘transparency’ by fetching real-time data updates.We have also tweaked many more features that simplify the complications involved with the field tasks in general. The intuitive ‘Productivity Calculator’ gives a very detailed picture of the individual efforts of your team members. The ‘Route Tracker’ measures the distance traveled by each member individually during an entire day at work. There are many other small but ‘crucial’ enactments which compel a real-time data-driven assessment. Such an extensive assessment is essential in nurturing your team productivity to reach the desired efficiency threshold. It becomes very convenient to mobilize your resources and maneuver the team productivity if the management is aware of the locations of its team members at any given point in time.TeamSpoor is a single solution for most of the problems which every business faces while managing their fieldwork.Email: 9721421177