Xpans IT services Pvt. Ltd ) is an associate company of Netra Technologies Inc., head -quartered in USA - Chicago -Naperville and Morton - Illinois, Costarica and Europe for the past 16 years, Our current strength Globally 625. We rebranded Netra India as Xpans IT Services Pvt Limited in 2013. Xpans currently has offices in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai and Ahmadabad. We have software development centers in USA ,EUROPE,INDIA . We cater to some of the Fortune 500 companies worldwide. To our customers we provide both IT consulting and staffing professional services.Our consulting division has three key practice areas: Enterprise Resource Planning (SAP, etc.) Rich Internet Applications (RIA), and Enterprise information management (EIM)
COMPANY WEBSITE:http:\\tnes.in.talentnow.com\xpansit\Careers\SubmitResume.aspxjpc=JPC073337