Company Name: Span Divergent LimitedCompany Description: Span Divergent Limited is a main shareholder of BioSpan Scientific LLP. Span Divergent is a public limited company and is hiring for its Life Sciences entity which is BioSpan Scientific LLP. BioSpan Scientific LLP a niche company headquartered out of Mumbai, creating a selective product portfolio with global companies to cater to customers in Food Safety, Contamination Control, Pharmaceuticals andBio pharmaceuticals.Currently having an Exclusive tie up with Laboratorios CONDA and Agarose Bead Technologies (ABT) Spain, BioSpan Scientific has tied up with international companies in the areas of Contamination Control and Protein Separation.BioSpan Scientific LLP is presently looking for young, energetic, talented& highly motivated individuals to join our team across various locations in India.You will be a part of a niche company which aspires to disrupt status quo and create its own space in the Scientific and laboratory products market. As a part of the BioSpan Scientific team, you will be engaged in building an organisation and a career for yourself & your colleagues and deliver highest value to our customers, suppliers, employees and shareholders as a premier product, technology, marketing, distribution, manufacturing & services company. We offer a dynamic and challenging growth environment for every stake holder in the organisation. Inviting you to be a part of this mission and make a difference.  Email: 2612663232