Samit Satish Naik

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About Samit Satish Naik

Company Name: Samit Satish Naik Hiring For ITAIND TECHCompany Description: ITAIND TECH aims to build a strategic alliance between Italianand Indian professional experiences for the production of software applications andbusiness management platforms focused on the topic of human resources trainingand work.From a cultural point of view this stimulates synergies among two millennialcivilisations facing each other . The contact points among the Italian and Indiancivilisations are perhaps greater than they might seem at first glance. Gregory DavidRoberts wrote in Shantaram: "The Indians are the Italians of Asia [...] and the Italiansare the Indians of Europe . Both are a people of Our Lady - they need a goddess ,even when it doesn't exist in religion . In both countries , a happy man is a singer ,and a woman a dancer when she walks to the corner store . For both , food is themusic of the body, and music is the food of the heart. The language of India and thelanguage of Italy make every man a poet, of every banality a masterpiece. They arenations where love makes a Borsalino knight at the corner of the street , and aprincess a peasant, even if only for the split second in which her eyes meet yours.“We are confident that the synergy among the two cultural contexts will enable thebest expression of Italian creativity and design qualities and the technical andimplementation qualities of the Indian developers.The Italian professional context leads with its solid organisational and content skills:skills in design and communication, with the ability to direct the overall technical andgraphics layout choices towards a uniquely Italian originality and recognisability; allqualities essential to the development of the business model that we will propose.The Indian professional context leverages upon the technical ability of Indianprofessionals : strong and updated in technical preparation that originates from afocused IT engineering educational system. This will represent the engine capable ofimparting the necessary acceleration to obtain the range of products / services thatwill make up the core business of ITAIND TECH.A new world scenario is what we see today: a globalised society, always connectedand with a high speed of innovation . As in previous industrial revolutions , it is nolonger a question of additive innovation, rather of a creative force for new social andeconomic models . In this scenario , Italian SMEs (Small and Medium -SizedEnterprises ) are at risk of irremediable delay. Cifa Italia, the trade association thatrepresents thousands of Italian SMEs, has decided to pursue the ITAIND TECHproject to strengthen the companies’ competitiveness.Email: samit0205@yahoo.comTelephone: 9869056277

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