We are born, and are fully geared, to make the world a better place to live. We are Gemini Corporation, headquartered in Belgium; we have 25 offices and associates across the United States, Canada, Europe, Middle East, SEA and Far East. Gemini has expanded recently in Japan & Australia and has plans to expand further in South & North America, South Africa, Mauritius and New Zealand. Our group turnover is approximately USD 400 million. Over the years the company has extended its operations from that of Plastic, Steel and Wood to that of Energy, Rubber Paper and Info Tech sectors. The Belgian Chambers of Commerce has awarded Gemini with Excellent Enterprise 2012 and Dun & Bradstreet, the credit rating agency, has awarded Gemini a credit score of 100/100 with average days beyond terms figure of zero) Our Founding Chairman and CEO, Mr. Surendra, is the Chairman of the Plastic Committee at the Bureau of International Recycling, the world’s largest forum for stakeholders of the recycling community. Gemini has set a target of $ 1 Billion turnover by 2019 and become the market leader in recycling industry. Premier Infoassists is providing business support to Gemini Corporation.