Pedram HR Consultants
We are a leading Consultancy and providing job placement services in IT/ITES Sector, Manufacturing, Real Estate, BPO, Constructions ,Engineering, Courier companies, Automobiles, Retail, Media, Hospitality, Hotels, Pharmaceutical , BFSI, Communication ,Freight Forwarding, FMCG, Oil & Gas,EPC Skill Development, Education domain etc. Pedram HR ConsultantsIntroduce ourselves as an organization committed to establish and maintain new standards In human resource consulting. We are a panel of competent and resourceful professionals. In keeping with the current Industry requirements,Pedram HR Consultantshas developed a mix of professionals with domain and functional experience, who act as a like-minded sounding board to the customer - who could be an organization or a candidates. The professional approach provides a platform for the customer to Identify the necessary competitive edge.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 7276804959