lego consultancy

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About lego consultancy

Job Posted by Consultant lego consultancy HI! to say something about ourselves, we are an upcoming placement consultancy/recruiter serving in the current field for the last one years. We are GLOBAL JOB RECRUITER providing manpower across different states and company in India. We are tied up with companies of all sector which are as follow: SL. NO SECTOR COMPANY NAME 1. MANUFACTURING SUR AND IRON LTD Birla Corporation Ltd Rungta Mines Limited 2. IT i-BALL Arjun InfoServ Pvt. Ltd. 3. HOTEL AND RESTAURANT THE CHROME, GOLDEN PARK, ASTOR Cookie Jar(bakery) Gama Hospitality 4. Hospitals HLG Hospital(asanaol) Institute Of Human Reproduction(IHR) 5. Retails Spencer Haldiram(prabhuji) 6. Chemical company Amrfeo pte ltd. 7. Automobile Amit motorcycle pvt. Ltd. 8. Bpo Agesis First source Kankei Spanco IFK technologies 9. Interior designing Kutchina kitchenware Shakers Appliances 10. Logistics Vinay cargo 11. Insurance Aviva We are also leading manpower supplier for hotel & restaurant, Hospitalsand retails. We also recruit for other sectors. We also provide security service to the organization. We believe in placing our candidates in the best suitable profile and job available in the market today as per merit/zeal and market scenario. We are tied up with top institutions like IHM, GEORGE TELEGRAPH, AVLON, ALCHEMY, JETKING etc. If you are looking for the best, we deliver you the Best !!!! So think a bit and give us the opportunity, we ensure you the fast and prompt service. CONTACT US AT : +919903682606 E-MAIL- ;

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