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About Kaits

Kapil IT Solutions – (KAITS)I. IT ServicesII. Voice and Data BasedInternational Contact CenterPROJECT AT A GLANCE PROJECT : TO RENDER IT ENABLED SERVICES (ITES) TOINTERNATIONAL CLIENTS FOR VOICE ANDDATA BASED, IT AND BOP & IT SERVICESKapil IT Solutions (KATIS) is a new revolutionary concept to bring new heights inIT/ITES field. It gives you access to the right kind of skills that you need to make yourbusiness run. You have a team of skilled IT professionals at your beck and call. If you'relike most businesses, you have neither the time to spend nor the staff to keep up with thelatest technological development.In simple words, Kapil IT Solutions gives you access to one or moreProgrammer(s) / Developer(s) / Business Development Executives who workexclusively for you on your projects from our facilities here in India. Manage yourprojects with Kapil IT Solutions - Associates who works exclusively for you. This wouldnot only help you, concentrate on keeping good relations with your clients but also helpyou look for new ones!Save up to 75% of your overhead costs for Software Development / ProgrammingServices & Web Development / Tele Calling and not to mention on your expensive staff!Kapil IT Solutions can do it all for you.CONTACT CENTERTechnological Explosion in the areas of Telecommunication and Connectivity hasbridged the vast Geographical distances so much so that the World is now reduced to aGlobal Village. This explosion in Information Technology has opened up new businessopportunities.With the corporate companies going back to their specializations, the back office andnon-productive works are being contracted out to support and service companies.Traditionally, call centers have been answer centers, providing just that: answers. Theyhave been strictly an output device, an unfortunate, but necessary expense.More and more companies, however, are looking at their call centers as two-waydevices, both supplying customers with information, as well as feeding information backinto the company itself, both from the call center's experience and their customer'ssuggestions. They have watched call center costs either stabilize or go down andcompany profits go up.A far larger number of companies, though, seem bent on defending to the death againstany useful information that might flow back from their call centers.Many of them have cut themselves off by outsourcing their support operations tomarginal outfits that hire an endless stream of minimum-wage workers, setting them infront of a Windows box, and instructing them to type into the company's website theexact same queries the customers have already tried on their ownCALL CENTER ATTRACTS FOREIGN COMPANIESThe business is also attracting the attention of foreign players, both based in India andoutside. Most multinationals already located in India have made cost savings well inexcess of 50 percent over similar centers elsewhere. Companies such as British Airways,TechneCall, Cap Gemini, Swiss Air and American Express have set up their call offices inIndia. GE Capital has call centers at Gurgaon near the Indian capital of New Delhi and inthe south Indian cities.I n d i a , t h e f a v o r e d d e s t i na t i o nThere are several factors strongly favoring India today as the destination of choice for theI.T., Communications, Connectivity and Telecom Services options that are of world classstandards.Within India, the city of Hyderabad has strong locational advantages. One is thecapital of Telangana, a technically savvy, progressive Indian state and the others are theindustrial and Technical center in India. TS enjoys the distinction of having suppliedtwenty three percent of the IT professionals all across the US.Hyderabad enjoys a cost advantage when compared to other Indian states and citieslike Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras and Bangalore. The Industrial climate is peacefuland the people of the area are hard working. Under the dynamic Government, thevarious Infrastructure requirements required for rapid growth like World-classconnectivity, Communications, Internet facilities, free market are been created for therapid growth of the Industries.T h e C o m p a n yKapil IT Solutions has been incorporated with the main objective of renderingtechnical and support services to the Information Technology Industry, Manufacturingand Services Industry. Technology support services and Solution services have been themain focus of the company. The company has entered in the business of contact centerand IT in the wake of huge potential estimated in this IT Enabled Services segment,operating an International contact center, IT services.Kapil IT Solutions was founded with the express intention of providing remoteprocessing facilities of high quality at very competitive prices.The Company is a new green shoe company, which was formed with the main objectiveof garnering and focusing the individual strengths of the Directors and Operations, whoall have been in the industry for quite some time.The promoters have the Business acumen and rich experience in corporate Management,to take the company to new achievements. We are a team of qualified professionalshaving vast hands on experience and knowledge pool in successfully implementingmajor Projects from the stage of conceptualization to successful implementation,execution and smooth transition into commercial operations.Kapil IT Solutions has highly experienced professionals who have valuable experience inall fields required for the growth of the company i.e. Information Technology, manpowermanagement, production, processing, finance, Quality, EOU’s, excellent managementskills in conceptualizing, designing and implementation of projects and updatedknowledge in changing technology and trends required for effective businessmanagement.We also specialize in providing all consultancy services, implementation services formeeting technical and commercial feasibility of the project. The company has alsorecruited highly experienced professionals in all necessary areas for management of itsoperations.Following are some of the salient features of the Contact Center Project.All necessary infrastructures are in place at our facility in a prime locationEquipment is already commissioned with the entire capacity live. Expansion is alreadyon the anvil.The operations have been designed on the VoIP based CRM technologies which are stateof the art and have the advantage of unlimited scalability, upgradeability, multilocations operability, low cost of ownership and working capital.Operating Personnel:We recognize that an important enabler of providing positive customer experience isensuring that the motivation of Agents is high. Our employees are our assets and westrive to provide them with a challenging and fun work atmosphere, training, a top-oftheline work environment and competitive remuneration.For ensuring effectiveness, agents are grouped into teams of 5-10 persons. Each team islead by a Team Leader with a Team Manager overseeing all the teams. The TeamLeaders and Team Managers have several years of customer support experience.The agents are in the group of 20 to 30 years with both genders well represented and areall graduates. They are fluent in English with excellent communication skills coupledwith relevant computer awareness. They are under go through training that equips themwith all the required call center skills such as Telemarketing, Voice and Accentneutralization, Comprehension, American and British English and Cultural awareness ofboth the continents etc.High availability of equipment and connectivity is ensured by the networking teamconsisting of technically qualified and experienced engineers.The team consists of a very experienced Team Manager, who is a Campaigner, Manager,who has been in the industry with 5 years experience in working with the big MNC’s aswell as mid size centers and has experience in multiple campaigns. Having started as anagent himself and having climbed the ladder up to the Operations Manager in theIndustry with a couple of companies, has the relevant and required operations skills totake care of multiple teams, with the required exposure to quality, performance.The Team Manager is assisted by a Assistant Team Manager, who has also been in theIndustry for the past 3 years and has also climbed the ladder in the industry starting offas an agent, climbing to become a Asst Team cum Project Manager and then turning alsoto become a Outsourcer himself to many contact centers across the country. Has a goodpicture of the requirements of the various countries like the US, UK, Australia etc.Actively involved in the day to day operations of the centers has given excellentexposure for growth.The Management team along with the Operations team has the capability of taking onthe best of the requirements of the Industry following all the requirements in the areas ofQuality, performance and timely operations. The Management is also inclined to reactquickly as per the requirements.Start-up companies & Kapil IT SoluitonsKapil IT Solutions service is crucial for start-up companies as it enables acompany to minimize risks and keep overall operational costs low.If you are a start-up company, we can help you substantially reduce your initialsystem setup cost in terms of real estate, hardware, software and manpower. OurOffshore Development Model allows you to achieve your goals at a fraction of marketcost and still obtain the expertise and quality needed to setup a highly effective systemthat addresses your needs without any compromise.Reduced IT costs will allow funds to be funneled to other key initiatives, whichare crucial to any start-up organization. Kapil IT Solutions is confident that it can helpdevelop and nurture your company's vision into a viable and successful businessventure.Established players & Kapil IT SolutionsEstablished organizations needing to expand their technical staffing, in order tomeet market demand, will also be greatly benefit from the Kapil IT Solutions - DedicatedDeveloper Service.Kapil IT Solutions can offer established organizations a partnership benefit thatresults in reduced overhead costs and the ability to address any increasing demandsyour IT department may experience. We have a wide array of skills in our offshorefacilities to address any situation that our clients may need.Something about our EmployeesAll of our staff are experienced industry professionals All have up to date,relevant skillsAll speak excellent communication skills Most have worked for largeinternational companies before coming to us We are all dedicated to produce qualityservice quickly and efficiently High-qualified developers with advanced academicdegrees Management Maturity Low manpower fluctuationsKapil IT Soluitons is a dedicated service that is provided by best interest of thecompany.BUSINESS ACTIVITIESWith the exploding business market and the requirements of the vast number ofcompanies putting up new facilities, there is a huge requirement of proper advice,support, good infrastructure support and services for the IT, Communications,Connectivity, Telecom, Security and services Industries.Services offered:At Present Outbound Telemarketing and support services on sales as well as hourly basis forthe Pharmaceutical arena. Tele Survey services and other outbound back office servicesIn the pipeline In bound call center services such as Technical Support, Process support, Help linefor Technical and non-technical requirements for major Corporations Transaction processing and other IT activitiesServices for the following Industries are being envisagedContact centersBusiness Process Outsourcing for all IndustriesBack office operationsProjects managementCommunications, Connectivity solutions and servicesTelecom, ISP, ITSP, VOIP based servicesBusiness ModelOur Policy is to achieve ‘Customer Satisfaction’ by strict compliance with the twinrequirements of Quality and perfection. To meet these requirements, a lot of emphasis isplaced on experience, expertise and Information.Quality:Management is committed to delivering high quality service to its customers. With thisaim in view, care is taken right from the beginning to build in quality, whether it be ininfrastructure, skill sets of operating personnel or in operating methods. Facilities andprocedures are laid for individual agent monitoring and counseling.Great emphasis is placed on treating each individual contact with respect, politeness andintegrity at all times. Care is taken to comply with all relevant telemarketing laws.Sensitivities of certain sections of American society related to religious holidays like YomKippur, Passover etc are taken into consideration.Our aim is to achieve COPC & ISO certifications, following well laid down anddocumented processes and procedures from the start.

Current Jobs in Kaits
Jobs 4
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25 Feb 2025

Job Title: Sales & Marketing Executives and Managers Location: Nanakramguda , Hyderabad. Experience: 0 to 5 Y Company: Kapil Properties (A Part of Kapil Group) Industry: Real Estate Job Summary Kapil Properties is seeking enthusiastic and dynamic Sales and Marketing…

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24 Feb 2025

A fruit and vegetable operations in charge is responsible for the following duties: · Ordering and receiving produce : Ordering produce and supplies, and checking the quality and quantity of the produce received · Storing and handling produce : Ensuring…

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15 Feb 2025

Job description The Restaurant Leasing and Marketing Manager will be responsible for the leasing of food court spaces to potential vendors and the marketing of the food court to increase foot traffic and vendor success. This role requires a dynamic…

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16 Feb 2025

Job description Designation: Agriculture Position Company: Kapil agro Farms Qualifications: Diploma (Ag) Experience: 0 to 4 years Location: Kapil Agro Farms – Sriramnagar, Moinabad, RR District, Telangana. Accommodation will be provided on the farm. Selected candidate will have to stay…