Husk Power Systems Pvt. Ltd
Husk Power Systems is a rural empowerment enterprise. It focuses on inclusive rural development on the backbone of electric power.
Unlike any other effort in the world, it creates a self-sustaining ecosystem in the villages it serves, enabling economic development along with environmental protection, physical well-being and strengthening of the rural communities.
A humble effort spearheaded by locals from the communities served, HPS strives to touch more than 10 million lives over the next five years, in rural areas across the world, often at the bottom of society\s priorities. A business of rural electrification that transcends the conventional ideas around delivery of electrical energy to masses, HPS has created unique models of decentralized electricity generation and distribution that can be well managed by the locals using local resources, thereby bringing the age old wisdom of self-sufficiency of villages to life.
COMPANY WEBSITE:http:\\\job_details.phppageT=Careers&page_id=83&job_id=23