Company Name: Hiring Master Hiring For Hiring MasterCompany Description: Permanent Jobs in Reebok Company.Posts Offered with Their Salary are as follow;Helper= 15500Supervisor=18500Store Manager=20500Assistant Branch Manager =22500Junior Engineer= 18500Technician = 15500Assistant Engineer = 22500Computer Operator = 18500Driver = 15500 Facilities = Food + Living +Mobile +Insurance+Medical+Cab Facility.Come on Hurry up Vacancies are very limited. Call us for detail immediately as soon as you can. One call change your whole life and you.Documents for interview along which you have to come are as follow= 4 passport size coloured photos,Resume(CV), orignal ID proof, Photocopy of orignal ID proof ( Adhar card, Pan card, Voter card, any one you can bring for interview). Photocopy of all marksheet you have, Security Fees for Dress, Shoes and Mobile phone as per according to the rules of company.Contact Person = Hr Mohit VermaContact Number =  8447,947951Email: hiringmasterdelhi@gmail.comTelephone: 8447947951