Funfirst Funtronic
Based at Mumbai, Maharashtra, Funfirst Global Skillers is a skill development and enhancement institution.
We provide:
Vocational skills to increase employ- ability and productivity to the youth
Industry need- based responsive skills
Training for teachers and staff in relevant and contemporary technical skills
Training in Life skills Firefighting, First Aid, CPR, Disaster management
Funfirst started as a contract manufacturing outfit in 2001, focused on Consumer Electronics & Home Appliance products. It went on to become one of the largest electronic contract manufacturing company in India.
The Edutainment business followed in 2008. The areas of interest included puzzles, crypto codes, Maths/ Science based programs, mechanised games and aero- modelling, among others.
The Skill Development arm commenced in 2012. We went on to adopt an ITI in Dodamarg under PPP, developed a TV Mechanic Course with a focus on Panels, designed a DTH installer course and introduced RAC installation & repairs.
COMPANY WEBSITE:http:\\\careers\current-vacancies\