Fairtrade Asia & Pacific (NAPP)
Network of Asia and Pacific Producers:
Fairtrade Asia Pacific, registered as Network of Asia and Pacific Producers (NAPP)
Hong Kong, is a mission based social enterprise which facilitates Fairtrade
producers in Asia and Pacific region to be effective in various functions and activities
across the region through a wide range of products and services. To that end, NAPP
engages in advocacy, consultancy, support services - marketing and financial,
information dissemination and training. NAPP is a multi-stakeholder body comprising
representatives of producer organizations, Fairtrade Committees, small
farmer organizations and promoting bodies who are certified by or registered with the
Fairtrade International. As the official representative of Asian and Pacific Producers
within Fairtrade International, NAPP also works to ensure that Asian and Pacific
realities and conditions are taken into account while setting Fairtrade Standards
without compromising on the basic principles of Fairtrade.
For more information please visit: www.fairtrade.net and www.fairtradenapp.org