European Institute of Policy Research and Human Rights

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About European Institute of Policy Research and Human Rights

European Institute of Policy Research and Human Rights European Institute of Policy Research and Human Rights (EIPRHR) is an international policy research institute based in European Union -Brussels(Belgium) /Riga (Latvia); is dedicated to providing strategic insights and policy solutions focused on world affairs, defense and security; regional study; and transnational challenges ranging from energy and trade to global development and economic integration with an exceptionally strong in-house research capacity and an extensive global network of partner institutes and influential stakeholders committed to and engaged in building trust and finding solution to prevent conflict around the world. We advise/contribute in policy making to major International Institutions as well as keep on researching, analysis of policies and information on United Nations (UN), European Commission (EC), European Parliament, and also contribute our policy research outcome with major World Economies/governments. We are organizing World on Dialogue-2019, a mega multilateral International conference based on IDV (Issues, Dialogue, and Solution)committed to addressing the most challenging issues facing the global community. Another Mega event will be The European Golden Awards; a flagship event in Brussels (Belgium) in November 2019. We boast as this would be Only global platform to bring together the world's foremost CEOs, heads of states, ministers, policy-makers, law experts, international organizations, youth, technology innovators and representatives of civil society as well as major private sector executives, members of the media in an impartial space with the aim of driving positive change to make the world a better place to live and stakeholders to leave this legacy for generations to come. For more Information, visit our website.

Current Jobs in European Institute of Policy Research and Human Rights
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